I've been running so much lately and I don't have a race or anything coming up. It sure can be hard to stay motivated with nothing on the horizon. However, I recently had two super inspiring things happen and I'd like to tell you about them :)
This babe Lexie that lives here in Ogden has been a fountain of inspiration this summer. I'm impressed by and completely envious of her. She and I have never met IRL but mutual friends are always saying we should. She's always out summiting something, running fast and hard on the trails with her beautiful long hair. .. well, she messaged me the other day and asked me if I ever get burned out on running! I was like, yeah. .. but then I just look at your Facebook page and get JAZZED up again! Or watch a YouTube video of Kilian doing some jaw dropping thing in The Alps.. That made me think.. what an amazing gift to give someone, the gift of inspiration. and now MY inspiration was asking ME for inspiration. funny :) Maybe it's me being jealous, or maybe I'm being competitive.. whatever it is, it gets my booty out of bed at 4:00am to go do speed work in the absolute darkness.
and THEN,
Last weekend I had the privilege of pacing vegan, tattooed, ultrarunner Catra Corbett, who has over ONE HUNDRED 100 mile finishes under her belt. What?! I stayed with her for 22 miles through the pitch black, cold of the night and she just kept pushing. Now, no disrespect here; I mean, I fell asleep WALKING during my hundred and I know they are exhausting, brutal and oftentimes heartbreaking, but we were barely moving. Her hamstring was really bothering her but she couldn't take an ibuprofen because her tummy was empty and she was having a hard time eating or drinking anything. The pain from her hammy moved up in to her hip and down to her shin. This just wasn't her day. So how is this inspiring? Just seeing someone out there struggling, putting one foot in front of the other, trying her hardest to get it done. Sometimes I feel like everyone is elite, everyone is stronger and faster than me. I can see, feel, hear the struggle I'm having loud & clear and everyone else looks fresh and powerful. But maybe we're all on some level of misery. Running is hard, guys. You can always get faster and stronger but I believe you also need to be able to appreciate your strengths and your abilities where they are right NOW. Otherwise you're always letting yourself down. Be stoked that you're capable of running at all and think of where you can go if you're persistent and excited. She was feeling pretty low at one point and I remember her saying "no one has done what I've done, I can do this. one foot in front of the other." That was a pretty powerful moment for me. It is so important to be able to see your strength at your most miserable moments.
I'm allowing myself to really revel in these breakthroughs I'm having.
I'm appreciating where I'm at now versus 3 years ago, 3 months ago, 3 days ago.
Running is hard, for sure.. but running is also really effing fun.
I haven't been trail running much lately. I've been doing a lot of speed work and intervals on the road and even at the track, but I'm going out for a TRAIL run after work today. I can't wait!
I got Thai food before pacing Catra and put the fortune in my pocket.
I took this photo on top of Scott's Pass as the sun was rising. Totally perfect.
This Week's:
Total Vertical Gain: 6,972 feet
Total Mileage: 62.43 miles
Overall: So much flat speedwork! I'm getting FASTER though. I can feel it.
Currently Listening To: Ingrid Michaelson - Girls Chase Boys
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